Open Subtrochanteric Femur Fracture
I performed an external fixation and irrigation and debridement of the fracture. Then I elected to place antibiotic beads in the wound bed while giving the soft tissue in the wound bed time to settle down.

Unfortunately, I’m not thrilled about my currently available options for continued treatment:
1. Repeat irrigation and debridement in 48 hours and treat definitively for multiplanar external fixation
2. Use second generation T2 standard intramedullary nailing
3. Employ a first generation 90 degree dynamic condylar screw (DCS) plate
4. Utilize a latest generation distal locking condylar combination plate
The following fluoro-shots are with implants superimposed over the proximal thigh.

What is your advice on definitive management?
What would be your prognosis for Kamal’s long-term outcome?